WiCS Spring Workshop
Designed to be a fun and inspiring learning experience for girls between 6th and 12th grade, this workshop is an opportunity for girls to discover an interest in computer science. By participating in contests with logic puzzles and game creation, attending classes on a variety of different disciplines within computer science, and listening to speakers discuss their pathways to working in the industry, we hope to inspire and educate our students!
We're run and sponsored by Harvard Undergraduate Women in Computer Science!
Workshop Components
Fun Puzzles & Games
For Puzzle Hour, you and 3 others will work together to solve a collection of puzzles – solving quickly and accurately could get you a prize! For our Games event, you'll create a Scratch game about a certain topic! It will then be judged, and the best ones will win prizes.
Classes will be distributed about the weekend; these are the perfect opportunity for you to learn something new and interesting! Our classes cover all sorts of different topics in CS and STEM, ranging from using CS to simulate the behavior of molecules in chemistry and physics to designing your very own websites to understanding how agents cooperate and compete in a variety of different games!
While the other events are run by us Harvard students, this is your chance to listen to and ask questions for people who work in the industry! They'll talk about their careers – their journey to where they are now, what they love, what was difficult, and much more!